The Leuven Statistics Days
Date: 4th-5th April 2019
Location: KU Leuven, Belgium
Summary: The Leuven Statistics Days was a unique two-yearly event bringing together all researchers in statistics at the KU Leuven - and beyond - with the specific goals to highlight and exchange knowledge on statistics research, on major achievements and breakthroughs and to discuss open research questions and challenges.
On the first day (4th April) Professor Patrick Onghena chaired a session on Single-Case Experimental Design. The session included the following presentations:
Patrick Onghena (Methodology of Educational Sciences, KU Leuven): Single case experimental design and analysis
Tamal Kumar De (Methodology of Educational Sciences, KU Leuven): SCDA, a shiny webappfor single case data analysis
Lies Declercq (Psychology and Educational Sciences, KU Leuven Kortrijk Campus) MutltiSCED, multilevel modelingof single case experimental design